Arduino Original Mega2560 Rev3
La Arduino Mega 2560 es una placa electrónica basada en el microprocesador Atmega2560 (datasheet). Cuenta con 54 entradas / salidas digitales pines (de los cuales 14 se pueden utilizar como salidas PWM), 16 entradas analógicas,4 UARTs (puertos serie de hardware), un oscilador de cristal de 16 MHz, una conexión USB, un conector de alimentación, un conector ICSP y un botón de reset. Contiene todo lo necesario para apoyar el microcontrolador, basta con conectarlo a un ordenador con un cable USB o el poder con un adaptador de AC a DC o batería para empezar.La Mega es compatible con la mayoría de los shilds diseñados para el Arduino Uno, Duemilanove o Diecimila.
If you want to give a closer look to this board we advice you to visit the officialArduino Mega 2560 page in the Hardware Section.
The Mega 2560 is an update to the Arduino Mega, which it replaces. Additional features coming with the R3 version are:
- ATmega16U2 instead 8U2 as USB-to-Serial converter.
- 1.0 pinout: added SDA and SCL pins for TWI communication placed near to the AREF pin and two other new pins placed near to the RESET pin, the IOREF that allow the shields to adapt to the voltage provided from the board and the second one is a not connected pin, that is reserved for future purposes.
- stronger RESET circuit.
Microcontroller | ATmega2560 |
Operating Voltage | 5V |
Input Voltage (recommended) | 7-12V |
Input Voltage (limits) | 6-20V |
Digital I/O Pins | 54 (of which 14 provide PWM output) |
Analog Input Pins | 16 |
DC Current per I/O Pin | 40 mA |
DC Current for 3.3V Pin | 50 mA |
Flash Memory | 256 KB of which 8 KB used by bootloader |
SRAM | 8 KB |
Clock Speed | 16 MHz |